Sunday 27 May 2012

Shin Splints

Ah, so it seems I've fallen victim to the infamous shin splints. It's so frustrating, just as I was working through the program, starting to feel more confident - Shin splints strike. 

I took a 7 day rest after realising I had them as it's recommended the best treatment for them is rest. So I've just been on my first run back and within 10 minutes it was too painful to carry on.

I'm gonna search for cures / warm ups / tips to prevent them. 

I really didn't bargain on this, quite pissed off.

Monday 14 May 2012

Update on progress

I'm cracking on with the program, though not as far in as I should be as there's been a few mishaps preventing me running- the main one being an annoying bruised big toe! Injured in a drunken incident, bad times, thankfully it was alright to run on this morning so I went out and completed my 2nd run of 3 min run, 3 min walk x 4 I managed the whole set but I'm not gonna lie, the last minute felt like an hour.

The next run is supposed to be 5 min run, 3 min walk x 3 but I'm in two minds as to whether I'll struggle too much with this (embarrassing, I know- but this is where I'm at!) so maybe I'll change it to somewhere in between.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Week 1

I ended up starting the programme a little later than I said I would earlier in the blog, so now I'm unsure if I'll be ready for the 5k race at the end of the month.

So far I've done the 1 minute run, 1 minute walk x 10 and 2 minute run, 4 minute walk x 5 run plans, the first I found fairly easy which disappointed me when I ended up struggling with the second, but I did just about make it despite how difficult the last 2 minutes were- really goes to show the effort that I'll have to put in here.

Tonight I'll be doing 2 minute run, 4 minute walk again- I'll be happy if I don't struggle quite so much this time!