Monday 14 May 2012

Update on progress

I'm cracking on with the program, though not as far in as I should be as there's been a few mishaps preventing me running- the main one being an annoying bruised big toe! Injured in a drunken incident, bad times, thankfully it was alright to run on this morning so I went out and completed my 2nd run of 3 min run, 3 min walk x 4 I managed the whole set but I'm not gonna lie, the last minute felt like an hour.

The next run is supposed to be 5 min run, 3 min walk x 3 but I'm in two minds as to whether I'll struggle too much with this (embarrassing, I know- but this is where I'm at!) so maybe I'll change it to somewhere in between.

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up! You'll always have minor setbacks. You just have to push through and keep working. Good luck!
